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Welcome to my sixth 100 words post on the FridayFictioneers based on the photograph below, a prompt from Madison Woods.Hop over to her blog for more exciting reads.  After commenting on my blog, kindly post a link to yours so I can stop by and peruse your story.  Please, enjoy yourselves:

Tanoa’s Baby

They say she could stare at the moon all through the night, eyes unwavering, her breath choked as she searched upwards. They say she could read the moon just by staring, willing its blank and yet legible face to tell her the whereabouts of her baby.

That night, six years back when the skies had opened up and let loose its torrent of tears to wet the scorched earth, Tanoa’s baby had disappeared, together with people’s huts and belongings. The priest’s prayers to the gods to make rain fall had been in excess. And Tanoa’s mind had snapped, a twig.