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PictureThis week’s  Ligo Haibun prompts areHaze and Monsoon. I opted for Haze. It is heartening to know that I got a second honourable mention for last week’s Haibun that I wrote. Thanks to all my lovely friends out there who continue to support me in my journey of better writing 🙂


Billowing clouds rose gently and languorously up the hills, full and thick. Through the haze, cold dewy wetness hissed, kissing the grass in wild abandon and I could only stare in awe, struck by the silvery hue of my surroundings. I was caught up in the moment and I wanted so much for him to reach out and take me in his arms. I wanted to be kissed senseless, if only to emulate nature’s love affair; I wanted to savour his very essence if only to erase my doubts.

He rose out of the mist, like a god. “I came, my love, for you.” I heard the words and I gasped. Powerful winds pushed me into his waiting arms; the clouds enveloped us, together as one.

“It’s been a while, lover boy. I’m all yours. Kiss me.” I whispered urgently. He smiled that killer smile even as he bent his head.

This rendezvous in the hills was worth it, ending a long wait while my husband studied in a strange land. The haze in my heart now evaporates.

seven years I wait
to see dew and grass play love
He is ever mine