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Written for Friday Fictioneers wonderfully handled by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields with a photo prompt by Janet Webb.  Crits are welcome!!

Second Chance

Photo copyright: Janet WebbDesiree raised a manicured eyebrow in surprise at the man who had just walked into her lounge.

‘You’ve been drinking.’ Desmond said pointedly at the glass of Sangria in her hands.

‘Oh?  Join me.’ She took a languorous sip. But he ignored her sarcasm. ‘You wouldn’t take my calls’


‘Desiree, it’s Valentine, can we put our differences aside for once?’

‘Oh, you started it all.’ She flung the words at him, her beauty startling. Desire shot through him, stunning him and all the fight left him.

Taking her in his arms, he whispered. ”Desiree, let’s start afresh.’

To see what the rest of the Fictioneers are up to, do click on the little linky below. Thanks!