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Hello to you all my lovely friends and a wonderful New Year to you 🙂 It’s good to be back here with you once again. I know I’ve missed a lot and it will take me ages o catch up, if ever I do at all. 🙂 So, here is a small cherita to start my 2019 blogging. Enjoy! 🙂

O yes. I’m excited to announce that my book, Haiku Rhapsodies, Verses from Ghana, has done it again. Haiku Rhapsodies, Verses from Ghana, has won the Accra International Book Festival (AIBF) Literary Awards 2018 under the coveted First Book Award Category. Yay. 🙂 🙂

Songs – A Cherita

beyond velvet
blanket of skies

your song beckons
enchanting my waking dreams