51 thoughts on “SEND EMAIL”

  1. Hi Celestine,

    I am passing The Sunshine Blogger Award on to YOU!! Congratulations!



  2. Heyhey… as a fellow Friday Fictioneer, I took the liberty of tagging you — http://plowright.wordpress.com/2012/05/08/tag-im-it/

  3. I am in a discussion with Lisa at ANZLITLOVERS about African women writers. You probably know more about it than either of us. You might check it out.

  4. Hi! Thank you for stopping by Empi’s blog and leaving a comment! You were one of the winners! I have four different formats to choose from. PDF, epub, mobi or html. Just let me know which format you prefer and an email address to send it to. Otherwise, you can contact me authorjmstewart @ gmail (dot) com . Thanks again for stopping by!

  5. Hi Celestine, I’m just wondering how you’re doing and hope you’re okay, take care Lucid G x

    • Oh Gilly, I am doing good. Thanks for your concern. I have been having internet problems for abouty two weeks now and even now I had to use hubby’s laptop, an opportunity I hardly get since he is writing an exam and uses the machine for his studies. I am hoping to be on board by next week. 🙂 Missing you guys. 🙂

  6. Celestine, congratulations — you have WON a Laurie Larsen promo item gift pack due to your comment on my guest blog yesterday: http://museunleashed.com/2013/01/28/keeper-by-surprise-by-laurie-larsen-book-review-interview-giveaway/comment-page-1/#comment-8393
    If you have interested in redeeming this prize, please send me an email to: laurie@authorlaurielarsen.com and provide to me your snail mail address.

    Thank you!

  7. Hi Celestine,
    I hope I didn’t offend you when I commented on your story. I only wanted to help you tweak your work. I know I’m not published but I’ve read a lot of writing books over the years and I subscribe to Writer’s Digest that gives a lot of hints. It is the last thing I want to do is offend you. Please accept my apology if I did. I am very very sorry.
    Kim :-(…..

    • Oh Kim, you never offended me. I just got back from a journey to visit my father’s people in preparations towards the funeral and you can imagine my surprise when I read this mail. Kim, I was so happy with the feedback. I only noticed that the part I posted did not give readers enough background info and all.

      Kim, please there is no need to apologise. Ow, you make me feel bad because I sincerely accepted the feedback in good faith. Forgive me if my response to your comment sounded like I was offended. I was not. I care so much for you and my online friends to take offense at good crits. 🙂

      Thank you for understanding me. God bless you.

      • I didn’t see a response so I thought you were offended and I didn’t want that at all. I know some people don’t like to get tips. I meant in in all good faith. I want you to learn what i learned late in life. I’m glad everything is okay. I’ve fell behind again. but I was till checking in. Whew!!

        I hope all went well with your father. 😡 🙂 Hugs and Blessings

  8. Hi Celestine. I don’t have any other way to reach you, but I thought this might interest you. I don’t think it’s in Ghana yet, but it will be great when it is. I’ve linked you to the blog where I found it. http://kirutayewrites.blogspot.com/

  9. dear Celestine,
    I think you are descended from the Japanese lineage…the haiku is perfected by your pen! My daughter is now in Lome…or somewhere near there…in Togo. I am planning in my heart to visit her at Christmas. She is living with a host family at the present time and they are so welcoming to her! She feels right at home and now her “homesickness” is subsiding. I feel YOU are in closer proximity to her than I am –if you ever travel to Togo, perhaps you can check up on her for me! Have a blissful evening!

    • Oh Jane, so sorry for the late reply. Of course I will check her up should I travel to Lome. Maybe we could meet up at Christmas when you come. I hope she is doing fine, though.

  10. um, no email form here. or is it here and i cannot see it? 🙂

  11. I am a new reader here and was steered here by Jane who also started me on WordPress a couple of years ago. I need to get back to writing my blogs-reading others writing is always an inspiration as yours has been. Keep writing! I agree you must be Japanese, at least in spirit as you capture the essence of the haiku so well.

  12. Hello Celestine. I have a feature on my blog site where people from different countries write about the literature of their home land. I am wondering if you would be interested in being featured? here is a link where you can find the featured posts. http://bookertalk.com/world-of-literature/the-view-from-here/

    • BookerTalk, so sorry for coming here so late. I’ve been very pressed lately. I’m grateful that you would consider me for your featured post. And so I look forward to hearing from you for further discussions. 🙂

  13. Mettabel Okulaja said:

    Hello Celestine,
    First of all, love the presentation of your blog!
    I am a first-time author (originally from Nigeria) who published a book – The Voice of One Woman in 2012 – A collection of poems, prose, short stories and meditative original quotes. Would you be interested in reviewing this work, and if so how can I get it into your hands.

  14. Greetings Celestine,
    I hope that you are well and bringing 2014 in happy and healthy. It’s January 6, 2014 and I haven’t seen you around Word Press and missed you. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you and hope to hear from you soon.
    Hugs and peace,

    • Oh Kim, I missed you too and I am back. Over a 1000 mails to answer and I am sure I am going to delete them all because I just can’t keep up. Hmm, but I digress. I am fine. I was so tired during the holidays and took opportunity of a two week break at the office to rest. Unfortunately, I could not blog because of terrible internet connectivity at our new home. it’s so bad that I could not even access the net using a modem. And so I had to wait till work resumed today at the office so I can blog while working.

      Wising you a blessed and fruitful new year, dearest Kim. 🙂 May all you desires be come true. 🙂

      • Glad to hear from you. I feel as I know you personally and was concerned. Glad you got some rest. Delete girl I do it when it gets to be too much and far behind. I leave any where from 100 more or less to help me catch up. So take your time. Hope your internet situation gets better. A lot of people got electronics that need internet and the servers can’t keep up. I hope that’s your problem and it soon gets better. Stay well and I look forward to reading your work soon. May your dreams all come true too. That’s a wonderful wish. Thank you. Hugs.

  15. Hello Celestine,

    Happy New Year once again,

    Flirty & Feisty Romance has a Novella due out in time for Valentine. I’m willing to do Author Interview, Book Spotlight, Character Interview or Guest Post depending on what will interest your readers.


    Genre – Contemporary Romance

    Dates requested – Any date from Feb 7th to 28th (Any 1 – 3days slot within this time frame is fine).

    If you are free to preview the story (will be about 100 pages) for me prior to release, I’ll be very grateful.

    Thank you.


    Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku-

    • Congrats, my friend! 🙂

      Stella, I would love to be of help though I decided that this year no more book reviews on request because I have a whole lot piled up from authors and I am not able to honour, but since you say it is 100 words, no problem.. Let me have it on time.

      The date is fine. I think my readers would not mind a book spotlight or the guest post. Looking forward to the inputs my dear. 🙂

  16. Hi Celestine,

    I would like to ask you if you would be interested in reading and reviewing a book called Secrets Make You Sick by Trevor Kleinhans. Please contact be so I could give you more details.

    Thank you
    Hop you have a great day.

    • Hi Linda,

      Thanks so much for the mail. Unfortunately, I’m very much loaded with lots of review requests and my reading has slowed down considerably. So I will not be able to review your book this time.

      All the best. 🙂

  17. Hi dear Celestine! I am just wondering how YOU and your FAMILY are with the Eboli crisis? I have held you in my thoughts and prayers everyday since I have heard that is again on the rise in West Africa. I wish that more would be done to help all of the people in those countries who suffer from this horrible sickness! Wishing the best for you!

    • Oh Jane thank you so much for your lovely concern. 🙂 The Ebola is really a terrible disease and West African as a whole is not adequately prepared to fight it even though the best that can be done under the circumstances is being done.

      We in Ghana have been lucky so far by the grace of God. There is no reported case of the Ebola here and the government is doing all it can to educate the people on the causes, prevention and crisis management. I know emergency treatment centers have been set up in strategic places and hospitals should the need arise.

      It is heartening to read that the two American doctors who contracted the virus are doing well now. 🙂

  18. Celeste: I would like to be able to talk to you on email. Mine is mtngrl752000@yaho..com, hope to hear from you soon. beebee-

  19. Hello Celestine, I finally made it back to Ghana, 14 years after I left here on Medical Evacuation to share my Testimony. Sent you a message earlier. Not sure you got it. I’m in Accra 14-16th. Sharing my story at Alisa Hotel Labone at 5:30pm. I will go up to Kumasi and Tamale to do the same on 17th and 19th. Back in Accra on the 20th before leaving on 21st. It would be great to meet you while I’m here.
    You can reach me via email. touchinglives4good@gmail.com.
    With warm wishes and best regards.

  20. Modupe Erinoso said:

    I stumbled on your blog while looking for book bloggers who can help promote my work. I am a poet from Nigeria. I am glad you are a poet. You are doing a great work here. I will appreciate if you will be interested in reading through my collection of poems. Thank you.

  21. WriteRanter said:

    Hi Celestine. How do you do? Splendid, I hope.
    I am Master Light James, a multi-genre indie author. I recently released my debut novel titled The Wife Escaped. It is a YA story of a runaway SOUTHERN Nigerian child bride and it is currently available in major platforms. (masterlightj.wixsite.com/thewifeescaped)
    I was wondering if you could spare some of your precious time to consider it for a review on your book blog. Is that possible?

Your Thoughts, Please.