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PictureThis week’s  Ligo Haibun has two famous quotes as the prompt: Earth laughs in flowers”  by Ralph Waldo Emerson andCome forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher by William Wordsworth.

My choice is Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher” by William Wordsworth.

His Words

“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.”

Those had been Ray’s last words as he took his final breath. I knew he was quoting Wordsworth but my grief had been too deep to pay much heed. He had been ill for two years; taking care of him had sapped me of any zest for life. With my ill humour I was the darkness in his world. His death left me hollow and adrift, and it was easier to sink into a vortex so black that it ate at my soul.

Ray loved nature. His room had been full of flowers and sunshine. The melody of the birds always put a smile on his face. And he bore his pains with cheerful stoicism. “Cheer up, Maggie. listen, can you hear their song? The darkness of this world cannot match the light in my heart when I hear them sing.” 

Now as Ray’s voice whispered to me from the grave, I knew instinctively that the period of mourning was over. With his words, I’ve been delivered from the power of darkness and thrust into a light so powerful and sublime that I could only gasp at the rays as the beauty of nature glowed in my heart.

your final breath
illuminates my heart
words set me free