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So soon, Friday is here and with it the fun starts. The ‘avalanche of 100 word stories descend on all the Fictioneers as we juggle, manoeuvre our way and make the ‘mad dash’ through blogs to read marvelous stories and poems and comment. This week, Madison Woods‘ photo prompt below had me cracking my head but thank goodness, I was able to come up with something. Its worth remains to be judged by you good Fictioneers. A big shout out to Madison for her wonderful idea. So, here we go:

Preying Mantis
Stunning, sexy
Arresting, bold,
Audacious, tantalising,
She plays them all
The men in need
On heat for her fire
A moth in flight
She hops
To them she bares
Her wings
Raw, she blinds them
With her decadence
Feeding on their lust
They, ever so gullible
Like a wanton fly
To the mango
Like a flying ant
To shimmering light
Preying on their folly
Ignorant in their bliss
Lips to Lips
Flesh to flesh
Soul to soul  
Sending them reeling
Bodies on collision
Ever so erotic,
They, confused
In their desire
Remain lost
In their pleasure
She, a Preying Mantis
(c) Celestine Nudanu