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The Cherita was created by al li. I’ve fallen in love with this lovely poetry form. And for each working day I shall endeavour to post a cherita a day on my blog. 🙂

Please, if you have time do visit the Cherita site, http://www.thecherita.com/flipbook/ to read wonderfully written Cherita, edited by Larry Kimmel. The Flipbook contains 76 new and original cherita by 32 poets from the UK, USA, India, Australia, Ireland, Canada and Ghana. Thank you. 🙂


credits: http://www.thecherita.com/



you and I will sing
with the wings

for with the storm brewing
a tomorrow
is not certain

(Linked to Recuerda Mi Corazon.

Celestine Nudanu

Links for Haiku Rhapsodies: