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Title: Seduced Hearts
Author: Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Format: Kindle
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Pages: 202
Publication Date: November 2015

Reason for reading: Verified Purchase. (love a good romance)


Is a lovely marriage enough?

Ghanaian designer, Efua Flonta has a marriage and a life many women dream of. Her Seduced Hearts: A Body ~Tingling Romance by [Eromonsere-Ajanaku, Stella]heart lies with her racy husband, Xavier and two young children. Her marriage vows are sacred until she meets a man who threaten everything she holds dear.

Sexy formula one racing champion, Xavier Flonta wants nothing more than to please his beautiful wife and children. When an old friend stops over, he does not bargain for one weekend of trouble. Will Efua and Xavier pull together to save their marriage in time for Christmas or will the hurt be too painful?

My Thoughts

Marriage can be a beautiful experience or journey if all the cards are played right and the partners involved love each other genuinely. For Efua and Xavier Flonta, everything is perfect, or so it seems. They both have damaging secrets that even their steamy nights and days cannot overshadow.

I read this book overnight. Fast paced just like the formula one driving Xavier, full speed and when I finished I knew I had really landed with a whoosh. 🙂

Stella has written a romance that makes one question the validity of one’s marriage vows especially in the face of such agonising and explosive revelations by the parties. But in the end, forgiveness becomes vital to keep the marriage together.

What is striking about Seduced Hearts is the strong extended family links. In Ghana, we say when you marry a person, you marry the whole family; Xavier and Efua have strong links to their extended families and the two entities are pivotal in the reconciliation, though in the end, Xavier and Efua have to fight their own demons, come to terms with their flaws and ultimately decide to let love prevail. Yes, as I mention flaw, let me add that both characters are nicely flawed and that make them human. Did I love the characters?  Hmm, Xavier is my man, and when you read the book you will know why. 🙂

I give Seduced Hearts five ‘heart-shaped’ stars and highly recommend it to all lovers of romance and those who are interested in knowing about Ghana


Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku is a fun-loving mother of two teenagers, married to her gorgeous husband and best friend who indulges her romantic habits. Writing contemporary and historical romance novels is an exciting adventure for her. Out of curiosity and belief that love conquers all, she has written several Interracial & Multicultural Romance Novels.

In 2010, Stella created Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels, a collection of toe-curling, intriguing, and skin-tingling romance with compelling characters who have heart and soul and jump off the pages of the book. All her stories are dotted with twists and turns and are set in fascinating Africa, enticing Europe & enchanting America.

To experience and enjoy an intense emotional ride, pick up a copy of any of her novels: Loitering Shadows, Beyond the Lady, The Gardener’s Ice Maiden, Sparkling Dawn, Husband to Rent, Stolen Valentine Kiss (Holiday Series #1), Kiss My Lips (Holiday Series #2), Forbidden Dance, Stolen Valentine Kiss & Kiss My Lips (Holiday Series 2~ Books ~ in ~ 1), Tempting Desire, Seduced Hearts, Red Velvet Rose and Wild Whispers. Stella’s first historical/suspense/mystery romance, Royal Cowries (Cowries Series #1) will give you an insight into a different Africa.

A luxury home by the seaside is on Stella’s wish list. In her spare time, she loves to swim on her back like a starfish, watch TV, go to the movies with her family and read romance novels.