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Hi folks, it’s time for the fun-filled Friday Fictioneers and today, the prompt from Raina Ng is so interesting with many possibilities.  Thanks to Madison Woods, here is another opportunity for us to showcase our 100 words short story, so Kindly read on and offer your crits and comments. Thanks a mil. 🙂

Empty Heart

fiction, short reads, free reads, fresh fiction, kitchen sceneThe empty room stared at Kuks and she blinked back the tears. It hurt so much to find him and everything gone from her life, just like that, even that heady musky smell of him that she loved to inhale so much was missing.

He had wanted to leave her, ever since he found out that she lied to him about the pregnancy. But she had only aborted it against his wishes because she wasn’t ready for a baby. Her job came first.

And now, even the traditional kitchen, where she had conceived the baby felt empty, like her heart.

To see what the rest of the Fictioneers are up to, do click on the little linky below. Thanks!